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Authоr: Richard L. Rubenstein
Date added: 26.09.2012
Total size: 12.32 MB

Hutu und Tutsi
Amin Al Husseini: Father of Jihad, Al.
Ruanda 1994
Albanian Jihad - Ethnic Cleansing/.
Islamic genocide, Slavery and jihad in.

This on-line encyclopedia attempts to answer the question: If everyone wants peace, then why is there so much war?
The concept of Jihad in Islam What is Jihad? :: Daniel Pipes
Jihad and Genocide
First World War Jihad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This timeline describes how the Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin Al Husseini, in collaboration with Hitler’s Third Reich set the stage for today’s Jihad.
Islamic genocide, Slavery and jihad in Sudan(Africa) Original video, you find here:
Amin Al Husseini: Father of Jihad, Al.
What does the Arabic word jihad mean? One answer came last week, when Saddam Hussein had his Islamic leaders appeal to Muslims worldwide to join his jihad to defeat
"The best jihad [struggle] is (by) the one who strives against his own self for Allah, The Mighty and Majestic," Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad).
"Nis Express Massacre" Feb 16, 2001, Podujevo This heinous crime / massacre, one of the worst of its kind in post-war Kosovo has never been fully
Jihad and Genocide
The Latest From Winds Of Jihad: “Swedish Muslims are among the most progressive in the world, and Omar Mustafa is one of the most progressive” Munich: Socialist
Jihad, an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād translates as a noun meaning "struggle". Jihad appears 41 times in the Quran and