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Author: Mary E. Cadwallader
Date of placement: 26.08.2012
ISBN: 1990000924649

Cognita History | Cognita Schools
About The First Spiritual Temple:.
Map & Directions. HOME; THE BOARD; CALENDAR; SERVICES; HISTORY; RESOURCES; CONTACT; HISTORY. The Fox Sisters. Modern American Spiritualism began with them in
Genesis. Cognita was formed with the vision of building a family of uniquely individual schools, where teaching excellence would ensure that each retained an
THE HISTORY OF SPIRITUALISM. Mr. & Mrs. Fox and their two youngest daughters Margaretta and Catherine moved into a small wooden cottage in Hydesville , New York, U.S
A Non-Denominational Christian Spiritualist Church. Making Sense of God, Jesus Christ, Spirit and Religion through 4000 years of Spiritualism.
Hydesville in History
Important Events in HistoryMost Influential People in History
Spiritual Help and Health - The History.
Hydesville in History
BBC - Religion: Modern Spiritualism .